Turns out it was just a timing issue. It appears that it takes a while for Azure to process updates to CORS rules in an app service.
When I attempted to connect on Monday, everything was working so I'm guessing that it takes 24 hours or so to process the updates to CORS rules on an App Service within Azure.
How do I allow web socket connections on an Azure Static Web App
Michael Bellmore
Reputation point
We have an angular front end that is connecting to a SignalR hub and are attempting to get it running as an Azure static web, but the connections are failing.
This is the error message.
[2022-06-09T14:27:28.831Z] Error: Failed to start the connection: Error: WebSocket failed to connect. The connection could not be found on the server, either the endpoint may not be a SignalR endpoint, the connection ID is not present on the server, or there is a proxy blocking WebSockets. If you have multiple servers check that sticky sessions are enabled.
This works when we host the site on an Azure App Service.
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Michael Bellmore 1 Reputation point