How to update status to not match charachter in case of signature key not have stars * ?

ahmed salah 3,216 Reputation points

I work on SQL server 2012 I face issue I need when signature key group id have starts only then not compare
value with portion key as line or row 3 and 4

meaning if signature key group id have stars only then not update status to not match charachters

if group id is starts the not compare
if group id is have charachter or value as f then compare it with portion key based on group id
cannot compare star * with charachter as d this actually i need to do

when signature key group id have starts only then not compare with portion key.

to more clear suppose i have signature key is

SignatureKey          GroupId      PortionKey        Status  
*$****$*$***$***$**$*       2            g                 NULL  

as above group id 2 represent 4 starts **** then not update status to not match character because it not have any character to compare on group id 2 but suppose as below this case

 SignatureKey          GroupId      PortionKey        Status  
    *$d$*$***$***$**$*       2            g                 Not Match charachter   

on case above i will compare because group id 2 have value d so i will update status to not match character

because on group id 2 portion key g not equal d .

Create table #Ref
SignatureKey nvarchar(50),
GroupId int,
PortionKey nvarchar(50),
Status nvarchar(100)
insert into #Ref(SignatureKey,GroupId,PortionKey,status)
('$$C$$$$',3,'s',NUll), --1
$',4,'F',NUll), ---2
$$$$$$',2,'g',NUll), --3
$$$$$',5,'f',NUll) --4

update r set r.Status='Not Match Charachters'
from #Ref r
cross apply
dbo.Split(r.SignatureKey,'$') f where CAST (r.GroupId AS INT) = f.Id and r.PortionKey <> f.Data

Expected result


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Accepted answer
  1. Viorel 113.7K Reputation points

    Try this approach too:

    create table #Ref
        SignatureKey nvarchar(50),
        GroupId int,
        PortionKey nvarchar(50),
        [Status] nvarchar(100)
    insert into #Ref values
        ('*$*$C$***$**$**$*', 3, 's', NUll), --1
        ('*$*$*$FG$*$**$*', 4, 'F', NUll), ---2
        ('*$*$*$***$***$**$*', 2, 'g', NUll), --3
        ('*$**$*$***$*$**$*', 5, 'f', NUll) --4
    select * from #Ref
    with Q1 as
        select *, 
            replace(replace(replace(SignatureKey, '**', '*?'), '?*', '?'), '?', '') as sk
        from #Ref
    Q2 as
        select *,
            replicate('%$', GroupId - 1) + PortionKey + replicate('$%', 7 - GroupId) as p1,
            replicate('%$', GroupId - 1) + '*' + replicate('$%', 7 - GroupId) as p2
        from Q1
    Q3 as
        select *,
            case when sk like p1 or sk like p2 then null else 'Not Match Characters' end as s
        from Q2
    update Q3
    set [Status] = s
    select * from #Ref

    If there are some unconsidered cases, give details.

    0 comments No comments

1 additional answer

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  1. m 4,271 Reputation points

    Hi @ahmed salah ,

    Try code as next:

     --create function  
        CREATE FUNCTION dbo.GetSplitString  
           @List       VARCHAR(MAX),  
           @Delimiter  VARCHAR(255),  
           @ElementNumber int  
        RETURNS VARCHAR(4000)  
           DECLARE @result varchar(4000)      
           DECLARE @Items TABLE ( position int IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY,  
                                  Item VARCHAR(4000)  
           DECLARE @ll INT = LEN(@List) + 1, @ld INT = LEN(@Delimiter);    
           WITH a AS  
                   [start] = 1,  
                   [end]   = COALESCE(NULLIF(CHARINDEX(@Delimiter,  
                               @List, @ld), 0), @ll),  
                   [value] = SUBSTRING(@List, 1,  
                               @List, @ld), 0), @ll) - 1)  
               UNION ALL  
                   [start] = CONVERT(INT, [end]) + @ld,  
                   [end]   = COALESCE(NULLIF(CHARINDEX(@Delimiter,  
                               @List, [end] + @ld), 0), @ll),  
                   [value] = SUBSTRING(@List, [end] + @ld,  
                               @List, [end] + @ld), 0), @ll)-[end]-@ld)  
               FROM a  
               WHERE [end] < @ll  
           INSERT @Items SELECT [value]  
           FROM a  
           WHERE LEN([value]) > 0  
           OPTION (MAXRECURSION 0);  
           SELECT @result=Item  
           FROM @Items  
           WHERE position=@ElementNumber  
           RETURN @result;  
    --create  table  
    use test  
    drop table Ref  
    Create table Ref  
    SignatureKey nvarchar(50),  
    GroupId int,  
    PortionKey nvarchar(50),  
    Status nvarchar(100)  
    insert into Ref(SignatureKey,GroupId,PortionKey,status)  
    ('*$*$C$***$**$**$*',3,'s',NUll), --1  
    ('*$*$*$FG$*$**$*',4,'F',NUll), ---2  
    ('*$*$*$***$***$**$*',2,'g',NUll), --3  
    ('*$**$*$***$*$**$*',5,'f',NUll) --4  
    --test table  
    select * from Ref;  
    --test function  
    SELECT  dbo.GetSplitString('*$*$C$***$**$**$*','$',3);  
    --update table  
    UPDATE Ref  
    SET Status =  CASE    
                            WHEN dbo.GetSplitString(SignatureKey,'$',GroupId) = PortionKey THEN 'Match'   
     WHEN dbo.GetSplitString(SignatureKey,'$',GroupId) not like '%[^A-Z]%' then 'Not Match Charachters'  
                            ELSE 'NULL'  
    --test after update  
    select * from Ref;  



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