Outlook for iOS - CryptoTokenKit (CTK) support for S/MIME
The question
Does Outlook for iOS have support for CTK?
If not, is it planned in the near future?
Use case
We need Outlook to see certificates/keys from kSecAttrAccessGroupToken access group, and use them for S/MIME.
This way we could use our own signing/encryption service provider through our CTK extension.
What we know so far
Outlook for Mac already has CTK support, we accomplished the above on that platform
Outlook for iOS can't see the certificates on kSecAttrAccessGroupToken, which makes me think it doesn't support this yet.
We tried it with the Apple Mail app on iOS (which officially has CTK support), and it worked, so i can safely say that the problem is not with our CTK extension.
As far as I know, it is really easy to support this feature. You only need to add "com.apple.token" under Keychain Access Groups to your app's Entitlements file. After that you can see keys/certs provided by CTK extensions. You use these keys the same way as any other, the CTK framework handles everything else (calling methods from our CTK extension).
So if it's not enabled yet, it doesn't seem a difficult thing to implement.
We want to use Outlook for S/MIME, so even tho Apple Mail supports CTK, we need Outlook to support it too.