I am totally new to the whole Microsoft ecosystem. I write Rails applications.
I need to be able to automate editing excel spreadsheets that have been shared with me. They are on a onedrive for business account (ie. sharepoint backed). The URL looks like this:
https://comanyname-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/g/personal/john_doe_company_com/EXTlp2 ....
When I click the link that was shared with me, assuming I am logged into my own microsoft account, I can view and edit it. (If I'm not logged in it prompts me to before I can see it.) So I have the relevant permissions on the file. The file does not appear in the 'shared with me' section of my onedrive or in my O365 apps.
Can I use Graph to edit it? How would I get the relevant identifiers to be able to specify which file I want to edit?
Using Graph Explorer I can see how to get this information for files in my onedrive but not for files shared with me as above.