Are you able to see the image in registry? Check the image actually exists in the registry. For acr, az acr repository list --name mycontainerregistry082 --output table
Docker Compose Deploy Image Cannot Be Empty
Matthew Miller
Reputation point
I am attempting to deploy a Docker compose application while following this tutorial: I am getting the error below. I cannot find any information on Google or this forum.
docker compose --project-name trtqa up
[+] Running 0/1
- Group trtqa Error 3.7s
containerinstance.ContainerGroupsClient#CreateOrUpdate: Failure sending request: StatusCode=400 -- Original Error: Code="InvalidContainerImage" Message="The image cannot be empty for container 'web' in container group 'trtqa'."
Help appreciated.
Thank you,
2 answers
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Manu Philip 19,351 Reputation points MVP
2022-06-21T03:47:55.067+00:00 -
Matthew Miller 1 Reputation point
2022-06-21T04:41:07.517+00:00 I was not planning on using a container registry (at least while getting started). This article looks like its not needed?