Had same issue and ticketed with support to solve. My problem was my blob was not set well. You can use Microsoft support to solve this issue.
Speech-to-text gives following message": " Error: audio file does not exist
We are currently starting a rather large transcribtion project, and we have been training the model quite extensively. We have, however, run into a problem I cannot seem to solve. I have around 100 files (out of 1500ish), which for some reason just refuses to load correctly into the training module. I get the following message on all of them: message": " Error: audio file does not exist
All the files has been formatted exactly the same (plus, I have tried to change the files which gives me errors to a couple of different HZ just to see), and it still returns the same. I have also tried to upload them individually, changed the names around, and re-rendered them all from stratch. There is no common denominator in wording, length or anything.
Is there anything here I am missing? Or what can I do to fix it?
Looking forward to hearing from you!