i know this may ask someone in the past, but is it really true that azure site recovery only works with the here specified kernel versions of ubuntu 20.04 LTS?!? ...by the way, when will 20.04 LTS will be supported?
Supported Linux Versions and Kernel Versions: https://learn.microsoft.com/de-de/azure/site-recovery/azure-to-azure-support-matrix#replicated-machine-operating-systems
this means that we have to downgrade the official ubuntu image 20.04 lts to the kernel version to 5.4.xxx, and the question for us is now, how this "will work" when there is an impact of an urgent security fix that have to be rolled out?
just for our understandig: why is the kernelversion is so important for the azure site recorvery? what feature of the kernel is used?