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According to the description, I assume it is the visual effects of hands that you want set offset when handling tasks, it can be done easily. Please let me know if I understand correctly.
I am referring Example scenes - MRTK 2 and have imported the official hand tracking sample. You may navigate to [MixedRealityToolkits profiles in Unity] -> [Input] -> [Articulated Hand Tracking]. There are Joint Prefab, Palm Prefab, etc. and they are the visual game objects that placed by MRTK input. Usually, it is not allowed to edit Prefab in Package folder, and you may drag/copy the object from Packages/com.microsoft.mixedreality.toolkit.foundation/SDK/Features/UX/Prefabs/Hands to Assets folder, then attach and replace the original reference. After that, you can create Unity scripts for offset settings like below.
void Update()
Transform current = transform;
transform.position = current.position + new Vector3(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f);
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