This will be a very basic question, so I'm sorry to write it up.
I tried to deploy a very basic Blazor WASM app created out of VS template with WeatherForecast. No changes were made. Ran locally good.
Tried to publish and deploy on the server. I referred
As usual solution has three projects <name>.client, <name>.server and <name>.shared.
I chose to publish to the local folder. I did from VS choosing server project (not the client project).
I then copied the content to IIS physical path folder. The web server already has 6.0.4 hosting bundle installed.
I tried to access the app in browser got eh following errors because it could not load Client's CSS files.
Failed to Load Resource : <name>.CLient.styles.css
Failed TO load Resource: bootstrap.min.css
Failed to load resource: blazor.webassembly.js.
Failed to Load Resource: app.css
What am I missing? Should I also publish and deploy the client project? wwwroot folder has all these files generated from publishing the server project.