What time to configure to return the site faster?

we constantly maintain our website that is using Application Gateway.
We know that the default threshold for a health probe is:
Interval (seconds): 30s
Timeout (seconds): 30s
Unhealthy Threshold: 3
The problem is that the site takes a long time to return quickly, but it always shows the error:
Time taken by the backend to respond to the application gateway's health probe is more than the time-out threshold in the probe configuration. Either increase the time-out threshold in the probe configuration or resolve the backend issues. Note: for default probe, the http timeout is 30s.
I've already reduced the time to:
Interval (seconds): 10s
Timeout (seconds): 5s
Unhealthy Threshold: 3
But it still takes a while to go up.
I want to set a time for the site to return once the backend responds and not wait too long.
My concern is to greatly reduce the time and cause problems in accessing the listener when, for example, the server is under high consumption or low performance. Or network failures between Application Gateway and backend server.
I'm thinking of using:
Interval (seconds): 5s
Timeout (seconds): 5s
Unhealthy limit: 1
This is bad?