You can solve it in MS Excel by linking in sheet 2 the cells from sheet 1.
Cube browsing in excel
Prajwal Potula
Reputation point
HI, I am browsing the cube from excel. I pulled few attributes into filters. in another tab, I got all attributes listed. my requirement is, Capture all filter values from first tab and fill it in second tab. for ex. in the first pic, I browsed cube and used 4 columns in filter and selected some values. I want to see those values in the second tab for respective attributes.
2 answers
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Olaf Helper 46,031 Reputation points
2020-09-11T07:22:02.233+00:00 That just a simple Excel function.
Enter an equal = sign in a cell and then click on an other sheet/cell to link it; formula will look like=Sheet2!A1