Error code 500571
I used to use my email to log in a shared document provided by agency.
but recently few months I cannot log in with Error code blow. It said Your account has been locked. Contact your support person to unlock it, then try again.
I've requested the document sharing person to move me off and add back to see if it helps. But it does not. Please let me know what's wrong with my account. Please note it worked last year and there was no change from me or the person who created this file.
Error Code: 500571
Request Id: b17f8c26-727e-4bd4-a7fa-eaa9e3495300
Correlation Id: e85a4ca0-207c-4000-9a7a-e7b32c9a197f
Timestamp: 2022-06-30T07:27:44.951Z