REST interface, C# problems
// InetMgr.exe
// C:\inetpub\wwwroot publish
I have made a few more attempts. localhost and port.
Did I change anything?
What can be the cause?
What can I check?
What are the default settings
How can I change localhost or the port and it still works? Thanks for your help!
Number 2 inside screenshot, you can see the standard appears.
From IIS works InetMgr.exe , but I need the developer VS2019
Internet Information Services
AgaveJoe • 29,781 Reputation points
2022-06-30T12:41:13.013+00:00 From IIS works InetMgr.exe , but I need the developer VS2019
Posts are unique on a machine. It's not possible for IIS Express and IIS to share port 44328.
Markus Freitag • 3,791 Reputation points
2022-06-30T12:56:00.557+00:00 You mean I should delete the bindings on InetMgr.EXE? Number 3 on screenshot, right?
is the same.
I delete all, but it is the same.
How do I get this to work via VS2019?
It's perfect, I can just simulate my answers.
Something I have clicked wrong -
AgaveJoe • 29,781 Reputation points
2022-06-30T13:15:15.017+00:00 You mean I should delete the bindings on InetMgr.EXE? Number 3 on screenshot, right?
I mean exactly what I stated above. Ports on a single machine are unique and cannot be shared.
I can't read your mind so I have no idea what result you are expecting but if you want IIS Express to use port 44328 then, yes, you must delete the binds on IIS configured to use port 44328.
If you are trying to connect to a remote machine on port 44328 (not the same machine) then you must configure any firewalls, routers, etc to allow access to the port.
Markus Freitag • 3,791 Reputation points
2022-06-30T13:27:53.57+00:00 ]2
All on local machine. I delete all on C:\inetpub\wwwroot
I compile the whole project, the result is the same. See screenshot.
Is there a cache or something else?
Sorry for trouble again. It is difficult.
When I want to change the port. Where do i have to do this everywhere?If i change there this comes, if i leave 44328 this comes.
AgaveJoe • 29,781 Reputation points
2022-06-30T14:04:05.527+00:00 I have no idea what you are trying to do or why port configuration is relevant. Is the client running in Visual Studio and the Web API is hosted in IIS? If so, please follow the directions in your previous post on this subject; see my last post.
Also, I updated the GitHub repo (see your origin post) to include the URLs for calling WebApiBasic hosted on IIS.
If this is not what you are asking then clearly explain what you are trying to do. Do NOT add your opinion on a solution. Simply explain the use case as clear as possible.
Markus Freitag • 3,791 Reputation points
2022-06-30T14:23:07.883+00:00 Can you make a screenshot of your adjustments? Thanks
Could it be that my company has changed something in the group policies?
What could I check there? -
AgaveJoe • 29,781 Reputation points
2022-06-30T17:16:06.843+00:00 Can you make a screenshot of your adjustments?
I made no change to Visual Studio settings.
Could it be that my company has changed something in the group policies?
I doubt it. Most likely the issue are holes in your understanding. I'm not sure how to help you because you keep showing what you think is a solution to an unknown problem. The Visual Studio screenshots are for creating an application in IIS. You already created the application and deployed the files. This was done in your previous post where you asked for a mock server.
I'm not sure why you are messing with the Visual Studio settings when you have a hosted Web API in IIS and you can just run IIS Express. The only configuration you have to do is switch the client URL. It seems you made up a problem that does not exist.
Lastly, I'm confused why you have not explained what you're trying to do.
Markus Freitag • 3,791 Reputation points
2022-07-02T16:27:26.14+00:00 Lastly, I'm confused why you have not explained what you're trying to do.
I know it's difficult for you too. I can only name the ACTUAL state. It worked, not anymore the next day. I only modified IIS. Maybe my company has changed security settings. I have to ask.
What else could I check, do you have any other ideas? -
AgaveJoe • 29,781 Reputation points
2022-07-02T17:18:09.74+00:00 Stop trying to configure IIS from Visual Studio when you already created using application in IIS! Makes no logical sense.
The way your project is current designed, all the source code is located in the Visual Studio project folder(s). The WebApiBasic project has been deployed to different folder; C:\inetpub\wwwroot\WebApiBasic. Only the built files are located in the C:\inetpub\wwwroot\WebApiBasic folder - NOT THE SOURCE CODE.
This is a very common development setup. Development, debugging, design, etc. is handled with Visual Studio. When you are done debugging, publish the Web API project is IIS.
You keep trying to recreate the IIS application in Visual Studio. This is not possible because you already created the web application! Stop doing that!
Anyway, your original question has been answered. If you need help understanding Visual Studio and IIS then create a new post.
Markus Freitag • 3,791 Reputation points
2022-07-03T10:47:20.87+00:00 Anyway, your original question has been answered. If you need help understanding Visual Studio and IIS then create a new post.
Yes thanks for your help!
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