Wrong Publisher+Product is displayed when creating a puppet vm from marketplace

Daniel Casota 56 Reputation points


I've tried to create a vm from a marketplace offering using Azure powershell.

$publisherName = "Puppet"
$offerName = "puppet-enterprise-201818"
$skuName = "pe_2019_8_11"

The script works flawlessly with other vms however with puppet, the result is that a complete different publisher+product is displayed:
Publisher : desktopstudioag1580294245574
Product : desktop_studio_service

The code and the logs are attached. Any idea?? Kind regards, Daniel

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  1. Bjoern Peters 8,901 Reputation points

    I tried to run your script, and everything runs fine... first I tried the line "Get-AZVMImage..." which displayed me the correct/expected image information

    Then I tried the complete script in a cloud shell... this is what I got... but still with the expected image information but an error in the windows configuration

    $vmConfig | Set-AzVMBootDiagnostic -Disable

    Name : puppet
    DiagnosticsProfile : {BootDiagnostics}
    HardwareProfile : {VmSize}
    NetworkProfile : {NetworkInterfaces}
    OSProfile : {ComputerName, AdminUsername, AdminPassword, WindowsConfiguration}
    Plan : {Name, Publisher, Product}
    StorageProfile : {ImageReference}

    New-AzVM -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Location $LocationName -VM $vmConfig

    New-AzVM: The value of parameter windowsConfiguration is invalid.
    ErrorCode: InvalidParameter
    ErrorMessage: The value of parameter windowsConfiguration is invalid.
    ErrorTarget: windowsConfiguration
    StatusCode: 400
    ReasonPhrase: Bad Request
    OperationID : a9e75dc1-6ae6-4cd4-88df-06877c37d1ef

    Actually, I don't know how this is related to your image-publisher problem, I was able to run your code several times and always got the correct/expected publisher information back...

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  2. Daniel Casota 56 Reputation points


    The output of Set-AzMarketplaceTerms -publisher $vmimage.PurchasePlan.publisher -Product $vmimage.PurchasePlan.product -name $vmimage.PurchasePlan.name -Terms $agreementTerms -Accept displays a different publishername.


    That's an issue I do not understand why it happens. It's simply wrong that the Puppet terms&agreements are not displayed correctly!! The terms&agreements of desktopstudioag1580294245574 are not those of Puppet.period.

    @Bjoern Peters Thanks for the hello. Concerning windowsConfiguration and VMBootdiagnostic: those code parts are processed later so they have nothing to do with the issue described. I did some different checks to get an idea when the issue happens. It happens independently of windowsConfiguration with OperatingSystem=Linux (must be Linux as Puppet cloud image uses Centos) and Bootdiagnostics=enabled or disabled. On the original post I will change the code to not get confused with ~additional issues.

    The Puppet Enterprise Legal Agreement on MS Azure marketplace is there https://azuremarketplace.microsoft.com/en-us/marketplace/apps/puppet.puppet-enterprise-201818
    A UI-based vm creation shows a different link as in Azure Marketplace. That one on the marketplace is linked to https://puppet.app.box.com/s/ajbdtujezanxtg8ep213q3lzmlceuj1t which contains the text of 'Puppet - Image Trial License'.

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  3. Daniel Casota 56 Reputation points


    Any help confirm the behavior of wrong publishername+product displayed?

    @Bjoern Peters

    and always got the correct/expected publisher information back

    Could you please recheck the console output?

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