Do other scripts run fine ? or just problem with running your specific script only?
Elevating a PowerShell script does not work in Windows 11
I am trying to make sure my script runs on elevated PowerShell.
For that, I am using the following snippet:
Verify whether running as Administrator
if (!(Test-Elevated)) {
# Stop, and run as Administrator
Write-Host 'Not running as Administrator, attempting to elevate...'
$arguments = "& '" + $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition + "'"
Start-Process powershell.exe -Verb runAs -ArgumentList $arguments
Start-Sleep -Seconds 3
Stop-Process -Id $PID
I would like to kill the old process, then re-run it on a new, elevated PowerShell process.
This works using a Windows 10 PC, but while trying to run the same script on my Windows 11 Laptop, I get the UAC prompt, I accept, then for a quick second a new PowerShell process opens, and immediately close, without actually executing my script. It seems as if the $arguments
are not being included as part of the Start-Process
What might be the reason, and solution to this problem?
2 answers
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Randy in Marin 6 Reputation points
2023-02-01T18:03:05.7966667+00:00 Was there a resolution? If the script is on a mapped drive, it will lose access to the mapped drive and close. I'm worried that there's a new security feature in Windows 11 that prevents the script from elevating. I don't want the effort to run an automation script to cost more than the script.