I'm currently trying to create a deployment pipeline within Azure DevOps to deploy a python function app. My pipeline looks a bit like this at the moment:
- Install python 3.8
- Use the built in task to deploy the function app
- Install Azure Func tools
- Run AZ powershell script to build the function app and install the requirements: func azure functionapp publish <FUNCTION_NAME> --build remote
Firstly I tried running steps (1) & (2), however when I test the function app this wasn't installing anything in my requirements.txt folder
I then added steps (3) & (4) to try and fix the problem but the problem remained.
I then installed Azure Func tools on my local & ran the above command in (4). This then fixed the above issue and my function started working correctly.
Two questions:
Why are steps (1) & (2) not sufficient on their own to deploy a function app
Why do steps (3) & (4) work on my local but not within the devops pipeline?
Let me know if you need any further info