I have an application in .Net 6 that contains a asp.net core Web API and a Winform .Net 6 test program to consume the API.
When I perform a Post I always get the error: Unsupported Media Type.
If I use the swagger page and test the Post command than it works just fine.
This is the code from the web API controller:
public void PostPersons([FromBody] Persons value)
This is the entire controller:
namespace WebAPI.Controllers
public class ValuesController : ControllerBase
public List<Persons> PersonList = new();
// GET: api/<ValuesController>
public IEnumerable<string> Get()
return new string[] { "value1", "value2" };
// GET api/<ValuesController>/5
public string Get(int id)
string retVal = "return value";
switch (id)
case 1:
retVal = "return value: 1";
case 2:
retVal = "return value: 2";
case 3:
retVal = "return value: 3";
return retVal;
//sample for having multiple get commands
[Route("Blabla/GetBlabla")]//[Route("/Blabla/GetBlabla/{userId:int}/{age:int}")]//for passing 2 vars
public string GetBlabla()//Blabla/GetBlabla(int userId, int age)//for passing 2 vars ====> calling the getcommand: http://localhost:12345/api/Values/GetBlabla/23/39
return "Blabla";
public IEnumerable<Persons> GetPersons()
Persons john = new()
FirstName = "John",
LastName = "De Vries",
ID = "1"
Persons jimmy = new()
FirstName = "Jimmy",
LastName = "Van Ver",
ID = "2"
return PersonList.ToArray();
// POST api/<ValuesController>
public void Post([FromBody] string value)
public void PostPersons([FromBody] Persons value)
// PUT api/<ValuesController>/5
public void Put(int id, [FromBody] string value)
// DELETE api/<ValuesController>/5
public void Delete(int id)
In my WinForm application I have some radio buttons and a testbutton.
So when I select the radio button: PersonsPost the last CASE code becomes activated:
private async void btnApiTest_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
switch (SelectedTest)
case SelectedTestEnum.BlablaGet:
SelectedController = SelectedControllerEnum.Values;
rtbResult.Text = await GetDataFromApi("/Blabla/GetBlabla");
case SelectedTestEnum.ValuesGet:
SelectedController = SelectedControllerEnum.Values;
rtbResult.Text = await GetDataFromApi("");
case SelectedTestEnum.ValuesPlusIDGet:
SelectedController = SelectedControllerEnum.Values;
rtbResult.Text = await GetDataFromApi("", tbValuesID.Text);
case SelectedTestEnum.WeatherForecastGet:
SelectedController = SelectedControllerEnum.WeatherForecast;
rtbResult.Text = await GetDataFromApi("");
case SelectedTestEnum.PersonsGet:
SelectedController = SelectedControllerEnum.Values;
rtbResult.Text = await GetDataFromApi("/Persons/GetPersons");
case SelectedTestEnum.PersonsPost:
SelectedController = SelectedControllerEnum.Values;
rtbResult.Text = await PostDataToApi("/Persons/PostPersons");
public static async Task<string> PostDataToApi(string urlExtension)
string baseController = BaseUrlValuesController;
using (HttpClient client = new())
var formDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
formDictionary.Add("FirstName", "John");
formDictionary.Add("LastName", "Rock");
formDictionary.Add("ID", "JR");
var formContent = new FormUrlEncodedContent(formDictionary);
client.BaseAddress = new Uri(baseController + urlExtension);
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
using HttpResponseMessage res = await client.PostAsync(baseController + urlExtension, formContent);
using HttpContent content = res.Content;
string data = await content.ReadAsStringAsync();
if (data != null)
return PresentReadableJson(data);
return string.Empty;
public static string PresentReadableJson(string json)
JToken parseJson = JToken.Parse(json);
return parseJson.ToString(Formatting.Indented);
return json;//This is not json formatted
The baseController + urlExtension is exactly the same as what swagger uses (https://localhost:7233/api/Values/Persons/PostPersons), so I think that is not the problem.
I hope someone can help me, I tried several options, but the problem remains.
If I test the swagger page than (I have a breakpoint at PostPersons) the debugger halts at PostPersons.
However if I perform my own Post command, the debugger doesn't.
This is the swagger page: