Microsoft Graph Mail - Migrating from Exchange Web Services: What's the equivalent of EWS EventType.Moved for Subscritions and/or DeltaRequests in msgraph?

Tobias Rademacher 1 Reputation point

Hi folks,

we currently migrating EWS connections in our application (EWS support fo Office/Outlook 365 will be outdated soon/this fall) for all our customers using Outlook as port of Office 365.

EWS offered EventType.Moved for subscritions in order to deteced mails which has been moved to observerd mail folders. Some of our uses cases are based heavily on this feature.

So we are wondering what's the equivalent of EventType.Moved is in msgraph?

msgraph subscription resource does only offer the following: changeType-s created, updated and/or deleted .

How should we map/port EventType.Moved from EWS to msgraph?

Delta requests cannot be filtered on moved mails either or is there a hidden feature or a neat trick in order to detect if a mail has been moved into an folder?

Any hints for this porting issue would be really great!


Note: This question orginated from

Microsoft Graph
Microsoft Graph
A Microsoft programmability model that exposes REST APIs and client libraries to access data on Microsoft 365 services.
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