@Mohamed Berrada From the list of supported OAuth connection providers AWS cognito is not supported currently. More details are available here. Are you using Oauth2 generic provider for the settings and added cognito auth, token and refresh URLs?
Azure bot service - Cognito as an OAuth Connection
We recently started using Amazon Congito for our user auth, but we're having an issue on having it work with an Azure bot service.
Here's the OAuth connection settings on the bot side:
Authorization URL: https://....amazoncognito.com/oauth2/authorize
Token URL: https://....amazoncognito.com/oauth2/token
Refresh URL: https://....amazoncognito.com/oauth2/refresh-token
Upon a successful auth, the returned token from Cognito is as follows:
Access Token: eyJraW….
Token Type: Bearer
id_token: eyJraW….
expires_in: 21600
What happens is: the bot caches the access token whereas we need the identity token to make calls to our api.
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