I can see we can pass a "freshness" value when making requests to the Web Search API:
Filter search results by the following case-insensitive age values:
Day — Return webpages that Bing discovered within the last 24 hours.
Week — Return webpages that Bing discovered within the last 7 days.
Month — Return webpages that Bing discovered within the last 30 days.
To get articles discovered by Bing during a specific timeframe, specify a date range in the form, YYYY-MM-DD..YYYY-MM-DD. For example, &freshness=2019-02-01..2019-05-30. To limit the results to a single date, set this parameter to a specific date. For example, &freshness=2019-02-04.
I'm thinking about integrating this service with our product but the problem is that I will also need to use the Custom Web Search API to cover some of our use cases but it seems the "freshness" is not available when making requests to the generic endpoint (.../v7.0/custom/search), I can see it's available for the Custom Images & Videos search endpoints (.../v7.0/custom/images/search & .../v7.0/custom/videos/search):
I need both the Web Search & Custom Web Search results to be filtered by specific dates and also, if possible, to be sorted by the "discovered_date".
Is this possible?