Getting this error repeatedly in Event Viewer and cannot find anything on why or how to fix.
Current user: ' Exchange System Objects/Monitoring Mailboxes/HealthMailboxdb4adc85620b496ab796c0a2fdb812d7'
Request for URL 'https://localhost:444/ecp/RulesEditor/InboxRules.svc/GetList?msExchEcpCanary=_xvuPSo3m0ekEqb3XMLjpeD7XBW7c9oITu5k9NqpgYozRPufxVEb67vLMvllWTuWPy8gcbNmSPU.' failed with the following error:
Microsoft.Exchange.Management.ControlPanel.RegionalSettingsNotConfiguredException: We couldn't process the request because the user ' Exchange System Objects/Monitoring Mailboxes/HealthMailboxdb4adc85620b496ab796c0a2fdb812d7' hasn't signed in to Outlook Web App and selected a language and a time zone. Ask the user to do this, or, if you are a member of the built-in Organization Management or Help Desk role group, you can use Window PowerShell to select a language and time zone for them.
I ran get-mailbox -monitoring and all came back with no errors.