@Nick Barrett Thanks for reaching out. Please find my inline answer.
Is there any way to see the processed messages?
You can only see the message (using peek mode) before the message is processed. Once the message is processed by your consumer application/client there is no way to find the processed message details (content, message ID etc.) Once the message is processed and you mark it complete, we delete those messages and in case of receive and delete mode we delete the message instantly.
Through the "Insights (preview)" I can see the count of messages processed, but there is no detail. I'd like to be able to see the message sender, recipient, body, timestamps, etc. Is there any way see this?
Mutiple sender can send the message to the service bus. There is no way to find out which sender has sent the message until and unless your sender is not specifying some custom property where sender will add the property with the details of the sending application in case if there are multiple application sending message to the same entity (topic/queue).
If you need the above information (message sender, recipient, body, timestamps, etc.) then your sender application should always send the message with custom property (that will have the sender application details and you can retrieve that information at consumer end) and at the client end you should log the custom property that has the sender details along with the other details as per the Message body.
Feel free to get back to me if you have any queries or concerns.
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