Phased deployment to a collection

Draconna 476 Reputation points

Hello, I have a collection of 110 computers that require a software deployment. I have tested it on my computer, but I'm still hesitant to push it to all 110 computers in the single collection. Is there way to drip it out slowly? I was checking phased deployment, but that doesn't quite work for me because it requires 2 collections.

Thank you

Microsoft Configuration Manager
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  1. Jason Sandys 31,181 Reputation points Microsoft Employee

    There's no direct way to do this without creating multiple collections. You can easily created multiple collections that are limited to the collection you have and use a query that includes devices based on the last character of their ConfigMgr client id, e.g, if you create three collections, the first would include systems whose client id ends in 0, 1, 2, 3, 4; the second would include systems whose client id ends in 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and the last would include systems whose client id ends in A, B, C, D, E, F (or something like that). Not perfect, but it could/would work.

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