Thank you for your post!
Based off your issue, we had a few similar threads which I'll share the solution below.
Troubleshooting Steps:
Even though all of your checks have passed, can you make sure you don't have any Enterprise Apps that are somehow being missed by the Tenant Deletion process?
- On your windows desktop search, Open PowerShell ISE as Administrator
- Install the needed module, type at promt: Install-Module MSOnline
- Then: Connect-msolservice
- Input a global admin’s credentials for your azure tenant. (eg. User: admin@[organization].onMicrosoft.com + password)
- If we have any output please run the following command at the prompt: Get-msolserviceprincipal | remove-msolserviceprincipal (Note you will see a lot of red output on this command, these are applications that cannot be deleted from the tenant, but will not stop you from doing so.)
- Log in back to the Azure tenant, and try one more time to delete it.
Additional Links:
Unable to Delete Tenant
Can't delete tenant, all checks are passed - Similar issue which was solved by deleting Enterprise Apps
Delete a Tenant - Tenant can't be deleted due to Enterprise Apps
If you're still having issues, please let me know.
Thank you for your time and patience throughout this issue.
Please remember to "Accept Answer" if any answer/reply helped, so that others in the community facing similar issues can easily find the solution.