I have version 6.2.14 and VS 2022 17.3.0.
I tried 6.2.13, but get the same errors.
I tried 6.2.12.
Now the following work:
(x86 + x64)
(x86 + ARM)
(ARM + ARM64)
(x64 + ARM64)
But the following doesn't work with same errors:
(x64 + ARM)
(x86 + x64 + ARM + ARM64)
Package created for x86 and built a msixupload file, but failed for ARM64 without any error:
(x86 + ARM64)
*Build started...
1>------ Build started: Project: TestApp1, Configuration: Release ARM64 ------
1> TestApp1 -> D:\VS Community 2022\MyProjects\Test\TestApp1\TestApp1\bin\ARM64\Release\TestApp1.exe
1> Processing application code
1> Computing application closure and generating interop code
1> Loading 44 modules...
1> Generating code...
1> Interop code generated.
1> Compiling interop code
1> Generating System.Reflection.DispatchProxy proxy code.
1> Cleaning up unreferenced code
1> Generating native code
1> Generating fixups for native code
1> TestApp1 -> D:\VS Community 2022\MyProjects\Test\TestApp1\TestApp1\bin\ARM64\Release\TestApp1_1.0.24.0_ARM64.msix
1> TestApp1 -> obj\ARM64\Release\Symbols\TestApp1_1.0.24.0_ARM64.appxsym
1> TestApp1 -> D:\VS Community 2022\MyProjects\Test\TestApp1\TestApp1\bin\ARM64\Release\Upload\TestApp1_1.0.24.0\TestApp1_1.0.24.0_ARM64.appxsym
1> TestApp1 -> D:\VS Community 2022\MyProjects\Test\TestApp1\TestApp1\AppPackages\TestApp1_1.0.24.0_Test\TestApp1_1.0.24.0_x86_arm64.msixbundle
1> TestApp1 -> D:\VS Community 2022\MyProjects\Test\TestApp1\TestApp1\AppPackages\TestApp1_1.0.24.0_x86_arm64_bundle.msixupload
1> Your package has been successfully created.
Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
A package has been successfully built for Release (x86).
Package: 1 succeeded, 1 failed ===========
App Bundle: 1 succeeded, 1 failed ===========*
I tried 6.2.11.
The following work:
(x86 + x64)
The following doesn't work, with same errors:
(x86 + ARM)
I tried 6.2.10.
The following work:
(x86 + x64)
The following doesn't work, with same errors:
(x86 + ARM)
The errors occur in VS 2022 under Windows 11. I don't think it has anything to do with microsoft.netcore.universalwindowsplatform
, because in the production VM with Windows 10 and VS 2017 the UWP projects have the versions 6.2.8 and 6.2.13 and there I can build the packages and bundles for (x86 + x64 + ARM) without errors.
I reinstalled version 6.2.14 (VS2022) and set the MSBuild verbose settings to Diagnostic. Now (x86 + x64) works, but (x86 + x64 + ARM + ARM64) not and (x86 + ARM) also doesn't work.
Here is the Build output for the ARM package (x86 + ARM).