Hi , I have a question regarding copy activity and filter activity for transfer file from source to ADFS. is this activity works together or I have to use getMetadata activity instead copy activity?
ADF - Filter Activity output to Copy Activity
We have a requirement to filter the API response and load the filter data into different cosmos containers. used webActivity, Filter Activity and CopyActivity. as below. ![232277-image.png][1] Copy Activity source configured as below. ![232317-image.png][2] The out come of filter activity is below. need to load all objects inside the value array { "source": { "type": "CosmosDbSqlApiSource", "additionalColumns": [ { "name": "JsonOutput", "value": [ { "ApplicationAdmitYear": 2021, "Country": "US", "ApplicationDate": "2021-05-12T00:00:00Z ", "ApplicationNumber": 12345, "ApplicationProgressStatus": [ { "ActionDate": { "DateTime": "2021-05-13T00:00:00Z " } } ] }, { "ApplicationAdmitYear": 2021, "Country": "AUS", "ApplicationDate": "2021-05-12T00:00:00Z ", "ApplicationNumber": 12345, "ApplicationProgressStatus": [ { "ActionDate": { "DateTime": "2021-05-13T00:00:00Z " } } ] } ] } ] } } Getting below error in Copy activity , any suggestions and help please Details ErrorCode=UserErrorInvalidValueInPayload,'Type=Microsoft.DataTransfer.Common.Shared.HybridDeliveryException,Message=Failed to convert the value in 'value' property to 'System.String' type. Please make sure the payload structure and value are correct.,Source=Microsoft.DataTransfer.DataContracts,''Type=System.InvalidCastException,Message=Object must implement IConvertible.,Source=mscorlib,' [1]: /api/attachments/232277-image.png?platform=QnA [2]: /api/attachments/232317-image.png?platform=QnA