Bing custom search - Unable to execute your query

ap 21 Reputation points

hi have been using bing custom search for over a year and recently about 1/10 search returns the result "Unable to execute your query, Ensure that a valid subscription key has been set up for your instance." however searching again will most likely work for another 5-10 times then the error will appear again, and then start working again.

is there any kind of rate limiting at play, i cant understand why it works and then doesn't and then works again so consistently

Bing Custom Search
Bing Custom Search
An easy-to-use, ad-free, commercial-grade search tool that lets you deliver the results you want.
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  1. romungi-MSFT 43,246 Reputation points Microsoft Employee

    @ap I think this error might occur if the search times out.
    Is the custom search configured on your application where you are seeing higher traffic or requests to the API than before?
    If yes, then the most probable cause could be, you are reaching the TPS limit of your pricing tier. You can check the pricing of bing search APIs(select bing custom search API from the drop down) which mentions that the higher pricing tier has higher TPS limits.

    A quick way to check if you are able to avoid this error is to update the pricing tier of your resource from azure portal and observe if it works. Thanks!!

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