How and where can an MS Teams admin search for a channel name at or is there any other way?

frob 4,216 Reputation points

Hi there
How and where can a Teams admin search for a channel name at or is there any other way?
(I am able to search/browse for Team names, but do not know where to search for channel names)

Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams
A Microsoft customizable chat-based workspace.
9,034 questions
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Accepted answer
  1. Dillon Silzer 54,286 Reputation points

    Hi @frob

    1) You can use MS Teams Admin Center:

    a) Go to

    b) Find the team name and click on it.

    c) Click the Channels tab to see the channels (public/private)


    2) Try the following PowerShell Script (from

    $AllTeamsInOrg = (Get-Team).GroupID  
    $TeamList = @()  
    Write-Output "This may take a little bit of time... Please sit back, relax and enjoy some GIFs inside of Teams!"  
    Write-Host ""  
    Foreach ($Team in $AllTeamsInOrg)  
            $TeamGUID = $Team.ToString()  
            $TeamGroup = Get-UnifiedGroup -identity $Team.ToString()  
            $TeamName = (Get-Team | ?{$_.GroupID -eq $Team}).DisplayName  
            $TeamOwner = (Get-TeamUser -GroupId $Team | ?{$_.Role -eq 'Owner'}).User  
            $TeamUserCount = ((Get-TeamUser -GroupId $Team).UserID).Count  
            $TeamGuest = (Get-UnifiedGroupLinks -LinkType Members -identity $Team | ?{$_.Name -match "#EXT#"}).Name  
                if ($TeamGuest -eq $null)  
                    $TeamGuest = "No Guests in Team"  
            $TeamChannels = (Get-TeamChannel -GroupId $Team).DisplayName  
    	$ChannelCount = (Get-TeamChannel -GroupId $Team).ID.Count  
            $TeamList = $TeamList + [PSCustomObject]@{TeamName = $TeamName; TeamObjectID = $TeamGUID; TeamOwners = $TeamOwner -join ', '; TeamMemberCount = $TeamUserCount; NoOfChannels = $ChannelCount; ChannelNames = $TeamChannels -join ', '; SharePointSite = $TeamGroup.SharePointSiteURL; AccessType = $TeamGroup.AccessType; TeamGuests = $TeamGuest -join ','}  
    $TestPath = test-path -path 'c:\temp'  
    if ($TestPath -ne $true) {New-Item -ItemType directory -Path 'c:\temp' | Out-Null  
        write-Host  'Creating directory to write file to c:\temp. Your file is uploaded as TeamsDatav2.csv'}  
    else {Write-Host "Your file has been uploaded to c:\temp as 'TeamsDatav2.csv'"}  
    $TeamList | export-csv c:\temp\TeamsDatav2.csv -NoTypeInformation  

    You will need to ensure that you have ExchangeOnline and MicrosoftTeams modules installed/imported.


    If this is helpful please accept answer.

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