warning error on hyperv

nagarishi 1 Reputation point

while runing this command:
$clusterResource = Get-ClusterResource -Cluster cluster-fc | Where ResourceType -eq "Virtual Machine”; foreach ($cluster in $clusterResource) {$vmName = $cluster.Name.split(" ")[2]; Write-Host $vmName; (Get-ClusterGroup $vmName).PreferredSite="mLocal"}
I am getting this error:
WARNING: If you are running Windows PowerShell remotely, note that some failover clustering cmdlets do not work remotely. When possible, run the cmdlet locally and specify a remote co
mputer as the target. To run the cmdlet remotely, try using the Credential Security Service Provider (CredSSP). All additional errors or warnings from this cmdlet might be caused by r
unning it remotely.
Get-ClusterGroup : The cluster service is not running. Make sure that the service is running on all nodes in the cluster.
There are no more endpoints available from the endpoint mapper
At line:1 char:1

  • Get-ClusterGroup vm_str1 | select *
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • CategoryInfo : ConnectionError: (:) [Get-ClusterGroup], ClusterCmdletException
  • FullyQualifiedErrorId : ClusterEndpointNotRegistered,Microsoft.FailoverClusters.PowerShell.GetClusterGroupCommand

PS C:\Users\Administrator.SYSTEST>

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