Convert Word data to Excel column

Audi86 731 Reputation points

hi ,

I have word data in below format

ItemID : 31

Status : Suspended

WorkflowStarted : 4/28/2022 2:34:47 PM

ItemID : 34

Status : Suspended

WorkflowStarted : 11/2/2021 1:17:52 AM

ItemID : 35

Status : Suspended

WorkflowStarted : 4/28/2022 2:34:48 PM

And i want to convert it in Excel column like below, what can i use in Excel to achieve that. thanks

Item | Status | WorkflowStarted

Excel Management
Excel Management
Excel: A family of Microsoft spreadsheet software with tools for analyzing, charting, and communicating data.Management: The act or process of organizing, handling, directing or controlling something.
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