Normally you have to release a separate version, like it's done with Oculus. But in this case, it depends on whether the app will permit to choose between VR and non-VR versions:
We want to release a NONVR version of a VR game. Does it need to be released as a new APP?
賀 相易 Ka Soueki
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Hello Community,
We're a Japanese game company called AMATA.We've released a game called <Lastlabyrinth> on Microsoftstore ( PC only).
Right now, we're planning to release a NONVR version of the game on XBOX. This will allow our users to play the game without needing a VR device. But we don't know if we need to release the game as a new APP. On STEAM, we can release the game as one APP with the VR and NONVR . (Players can choose to launch the game in VR or not.)