I'd like to get some suggestions on the best, most recent book that thoroughly covers Microsoft 365 (only), please.
I don't need beginner's books or ones that focus excessively on the Office apps usage (e.g., how to add a table in Word) or the M365 Administration Inside Out book or books that cover the Microsoft Office 365 from 5 years ago. If it has "Office" in the title, it's probably not the book I'm looking for.
Essentially, I'm looking for the most updated version of what I would call "Microsoft 365 Inside Out".
What I need is something that covers how to integrate all the different (and new) apps that come standard with the CURRENT incarnation of Microsoft 365. Such topics as: how to take control of another user's screen in a meeting (do you have to be using the PC version of Teams?), can users who are still running Windows 7 use the web apps effectively?, what are the practical differences between guests and external users and how can each type be distinguished?
I don't mean to sound like too much of a smart-ass, but I grow weary of searching the web, esp. Amazon, for "Microsoft 365 Books" and I get results like "Microsoft Excel for Dummies" from 2017.
Any help is greatly appreciated.