Similar to this post
I was trying to get the output in the form of csv - like query and data along with headers in one result.
LIke if we have this data in sql server 2014
Create table Table1
empid number,
name varchar(1000),
sal int,
DOB datetime,
OrgID number
Create table Table2
OrgID number,
Orgname varchar(1000)
Create table Table3
dummy number
insert into table1 values(100, 'tst','10000','1990-11-20',1)
insert into table1 values(101, 'tst','10000','1990-11-20',1)
insert into table1 values(102, 'tst','10000','1990-11-20',2)
insert into table2 values(1, 'org1')
insert into table2 values(2, 'org2')
CREATE TABLE #List (Command varchar(max), OrderBy INT IDENTITY(1,1))
('SELECT * FROM Table1'),
('SELECT * FROM Table2'),
('SELECT * FROM Table3')
SELECT @sqlcmd = STUFF(( SELECT ';'+char(10)+ Command +char(10) FROM #List order by [OrderBy] FOR XML PATH('') ), 1, 1, '')
Now when i execute the sql's in #List, the output should result with comma seperated
SELECT * FROM Table1, empid,name,sal,DOB,OrgID
SELECT * FROM Table1, 100,tst,10000,1990-11-20 00:00:00.000,1
SELECT * FROM Table1, 101,tst,10000,1990-11-20 00:00:00.000,1
SELECT * FROM Table1, 102,tst,10000,1990-11-20 00:00:00.000,2
select * from Table2,OrgID, Orgname
select * from Table2,1,org1
select * from Table2,2,org2
As they are no records in table3, it should not output in final result.