@Vikas Tiwari Thank you for reaching out to Microsoft Q&A.
As you mentioned, each API must have a unique API URL suffix and that's how APIM distinguishes each API. Also, Products are associated with one or more API(s) and cannot be associated to Operation. Check docs that describe below:
So, unfortunately you cannot create two APIs with same URL suffix or same API with different operations to associate with different products. You can submit a feature request or feedback to our product team via https://aka.ms/apimwish (like this https://feedback.azure.com/d365community/idea/ba08e6f3-ff24-ec11-b6e6-000d3a4f0858) so that others with similar ask can upvote it too.
I hope this answers your question and feel free to add if you have any questions. I would be happy to assist you.
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