Sharepoint - using Graph api to get the folders and files for a sharepoint site
Hello, I am successfully retrieving a AccessToken via oAuth 2.0 with roles of "roles": [ "Sites.Selected", "Sites.Read.All", "User.Read.All", "Files.Read.All", "Sites.FullControl.All" …
Sending Emails Using OAuth Authentication with Azure AD and Exchange Online
Hello Everyone, Since Microsoft has disabled Basic Authentication in Exchange Online for sending emails, I am trying to implement OAuth 2.0 with the Exchange Online service. To set this up, I have taken the following steps: Created a new app in Azure…
Create Graph API giving bad request
I am trying to create a Group( using Graph API. But it is giving below error. I am using Group's name as value for mailNickname GroupName is following this format. String groupName = String.format(GROUP_NAME_FORMAT,…
How to get siteid , drive id and list items with permissions
Hi team, Can you please provide code snippets to get Site Id, Drive ID , Items with permissions. I'm able to generate GraphServiceClient but while callig DriveID var drives = await graphClient.Sites[siteId].Drives.; //Here after dot(.) i expect…
I am using graph API to get online meeting transcripts but it keep giving me PreconditionFailed error
API used - GET /me/onlineMeetings/{online-meeting-id}/transcripts GET /users/{user-id}/onlineMeetings/{online-meeting-id}/transcripts ERROR { status: 0, data: { error: { code: "PreconditionFailed", message: "No iCalUid found for…
Getting "Validation Testing client application reachability for subscription Request" Error After No Code Changes
I'm encountering the following error: "ValidationTestingclientapplicationreachabilityforsubscriptionRequest" This functionality worked perfectly before, and no code changes have been made. The error started appearing suddenly, and the message…
Why Do Office 365 Users Need Admin Consent Despite "Admin Consent Not Required" Setting in Azure AD?
An application registered in Azure AD uses Microsoft Graph API with the following permissions: Mail.Read User.Read offline_access In the Azure portal, these permissions are marked as "Admin consent: Not required." However, when testing…
Fetching All Directory Roles Assigned to Users Using PowerShell
Hi, I am developing a function to retrieve directory roles assigned to a user and get details based on the user ID, including whether the roles are assigned as eligible or active. I have been using, which provides the information in the format I need,…
How I can add an application to my Entra External ID user flow using Graph API?
Context We have built a portal where our in-house developers can register their applications. After approval, graph API's are called automatically to create the app registration/service principal. Multiple forms of authentication are supported. Use…
Unable to authenticate to graph api using client credentials flow
Hello, I am trying to connect to our azure app using graph api and client credentials workflow. In Postman, I am getting error on token authentication. Error: "error": "unauthorized_client", "error_description":…
SharePoint Calendar some recurring events missing from Graph which are visible in SP Calendar
We have a SharePoint Events list containing recurring events that appear in the Calendar view, but when requested through Microsoft Graph for the EventDate in question don't appear in the Graph results. This was working OK as late as 22nd December 2024,…
Microsoft Graph PowerShell: unable to retrieve or remove properties from profile card
Hello to all of the community, I was requested to hide an attribute from the profile card for an organization (specifically the "Fax" attribute). So I tried using the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK to first list all of the attributes, using the…
Can't retrieve image from Sharepoint list image column via Graph
Hi there, I'm quite new to APIs and web requests, I usually just do desktop Python, so please go easy on me! I have a Sharepoint list containing some text columns and an image column, where the image is added directly rather than as an attachment: I…
Latest update has killed the ability to use Graph API to update an excel spreadsheet from c#
Latest Graph API has broken the ability to update Excel from C# applications. When is this going to be fixed? We have had an application running successfully for months until latest update, in which the old WorkbookRange approach has been depcrecated but…
What license do I need to be able to send emails through Microsoft Graph via an unattended desktop app?
Context: I'm a developer who writes console programs that scrape web sites. When an event occurs, I send an email to myself. MS recently turned off basic authentication. No sample program anywhere on the internet works to send via Microsoft Graph or…
Timeline to support Microsoft Graph SDK for Java v5
We currently use msgraph-sdk-java v5 and are considering upgrading to v6, but looking at the number of breaking changes, we may want to postpone that. Could you let us know the timeline for support of v5 and if there are any plans to deprecate it?
Prefer: respond-async header doesn't work at microsoft graph api
I'm trying to use microsoft graph api to make CRUD operations with excel files on onedrive. As far as there is no way to update multiple non-adjacent ctlls in single request I'm tryung to use Prefer: respond-async header in my batch request. const…
Search files inside a subfolder in OneDrive using Graph API
I need to search OneDrive files by a keyword using fuzzy match, the OneDrive search API works for me, except it will always search from the root folder. However, I'd like to search from the specific subfolder and its descendants. I tried to search…
Not able to call SharePoint Document Library driveitems using MS Graph API with filter functions 'contains' and 'endswith'.
We need to get files from the SharePoint Document Library with a filter that uses 'contains' and 'endswith'. The query goes as below:{site-id}/drives/{drive-id}/items?$filter=contains(Name,'100001') and…
Unable to Send Messages to Teams Channels Using Graph API with Application Permissions
When using the Graph API with Application Permissions, sending messages to Teams channels is resulting in the error below. While Delegated Permissions work correctly for sending messages, is there another approach that allows sending messages to…