Certificate error connecting Android Emulator to API on localhost
I'm building a .NET Maui app using VS2022. I'm testing it using the Android emulator. The app gets its data from an API that is running on my local machine. The API is called from C# code but also from JavaScript in a WebView component. I've been…
Using VS 17.14.0 Preview 1.1 and XCode 16.2 I can not compile a Maui application to a remote iPhone device
Using Visual Studio version 17.12 Preview 1 and XCode 16.0 Beta I was able to connect to a remote iPhone and deploy my Maui app to the physical device. I however can not debug the app. So my development environment/MAC is set up properly. Updating Visual…
Is there a sample MAUI application to call c/c++ libraries that can be built from Windows and used on Windows, iOS and Android?
I am trying to convert my Xamarin.Forms mobile applications to MAUI. My applications depend on C libraries developed by government agencies (NOAA and USNO). For Xamarin.Forms I found a very good example for building a NuGet package from C library code…
.net Maui, viewModel alternative to OnAppearing
I notice that in .net MAUI OnAppearing doesn;t work. I need to find a way to open up a "DisplayAlert" as soon as the app appears and it must be triggered from the ViewModel. Thank you in advanced.
Can a MAUI iOS binding library be used to wrap a C++ iOS fat library (.a) for mobile platform development?
I am trying to convert my Xamarin.Forms apps to MAUI. My apps rely on C/C++ library code provided by government agencies (USNO and NOAA). For Xamarin.Forms I was able create NuGet packages for each library using these instructions…
How to enable typing and search functionality inside a Picker in .NET MAUI?
How to enable typing and search functionality inside a Picker in .NET MAUI?
how to disable AOT in Maui
how to disable AOT in Maui My MauiApp runs ONLY in 'debug' mode! According to the .net, VS, Maui community I found many recommendations to disable AOT. Although, I never got an error msg to this direction! In .csproj I tested with 'all' combinations…
.NET MAUI ML.NET LOADED FROM CSV file Chart is not diplayed
ML.NET Time Series algorithm is parsing csv and predicting forecasts but chart is not loading , here is sample csv file Date ,Open ,High ,Low ,Close ,Shares Traded…
MAUI Map is opening Apple Maps by default in IOS, How to ask for options like Google Maps etc?
await Map.OpenAsync(placeMark); is opening Apple Maps by default in iOS physical device. If Apple Maps is not there, it is showing an error message in iOS I would like to show all the possible application list from below like google Maps etc.. I have…
Request Permission not working on Android Maui
I am having an issue requesting storage read/write permissions. I have them Selected in the manifest file. Onappearing I have: PermissionStatus nWritePermission = await GP.CheckAndRequestStorageWritePermission(); The method is: public async…
runs only in 'debug' mode
I found lots of issues (google browsing) re 'running only in debug mode'! However, I cannot figure out what to do in my case. myapp https://github.com/edikaufmann/RandoJson PS: I obviously cannot debug without debugging!?! Your help is appreciated, ed
WebView is not working correctly in IOS MAUI
I have added a webview in my MAUI crossplateform app but I am not able to type in textbox or click on image buttons even pop up shows up but not able to even ok/cancel. While working fine with Android, Another issue with voice and video that is happening…
MAUI for iOS Publish in Visual Studio 2022 for Windows in Parallax VM
I have a Mac. I have a Parallels Windows 11 VM with Visual Studio 2022 installed with the dotnet SDK and MAUI workloads. My source code is on the Mac and shared as a drive in the VM so I can open the exact same project on either the Mac using VSCode or…
MAUI: Blank space on the UI in between the contents and font style issue
I have a label, image and a webview on the UI. My XAML: <ScrollView Grid.Row="0" Orientation="Vertical" VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand"> <VerticalStackLayout Grid.Row="0" …
Root detection on Android device using MAUI .net framework
The Android root detection logic implemented in .NET MAUI is not working as expected. Tried both a custom implementation and a NuGet package as in link below, but both approaches failed. nuget package >…
Image Resizing issue on MAUI android app
Requirement :The MAUI android app allows users to capture / pick 75 images with any size and orientation. Here the challenge is to resize these 75 images into a standard size such that it fits the screen and the images maintain its aspect ratio. I have…
Issue with SkiaSharp Native Library Version Mismatch in .NET MAUI (IOS only)
System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'SkiaSharp.SKObject' threw an exception. ---> System.InvalidOperationException: The version of the native libSkiaSharp library (116.0) is incompatible with this version of SkiaSharp.…
Apple Developer Account: Enterprise - error 'There was an error while trying to log in: Provide a properly configured and signed bearer token, and make sure that it has not expired learn more about generating tokens for API requests'
I achieved to connect the remote mac from the "Pair to mac" option in Visual studio 2022 from Windows, then when in tools/options/xamarin/apple accounts I tried to pair the apple enterprise account, I get an error saying "There was an…
Visual studio 2022 Maui project unable to compile for .net 9.0-ios target
Hi, I am trying to deploy a test app to iPhone from windows visual studio but getting the following error when trying to compile. The specified network password is not correct. I have completed the automatic provisioning : I obviously have no problem…
I am getting error while building the sample maui application using vs2022
I am facing below errors resource style/Animation.AppCompat.Dialog (aka com.companyname.mauiapp1:style/Animation.AppCompat.Dialog) not found. f resource style/RtlOverlay.DialogWindowTitle.AppCompat (aka…