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Enterprise Library Webcast Series

Wow - Putting together a webcast series is a lot of work. I just finished the slides for configuration and data acess and I think you are really going to like what you see. I hope you will join us for the webcasts. 


The podcasts are really doing well. So far I have had many positive comments about the interview I did with Scott Densmore about configuration contexts. Check out my podcast page at and listen in.


Enterprise Library Webcast Series

It’s March 2005 and nearly 50000 people around the world have already downloaded Enterprise Library from We want to make sure you know how to use Enterprise Library and are happy to bring you a series of webcasts designed to quickly bring you up to speed on these seven new application blocks. You can listen in to patterns & practices live at the scheduled time and ask your questions real-time or listen to the webcast later at your convenience.


Note: All Webcast times are Pacific Standard Time (GMT-8:00)








Enterprise Library Overview

Enterprise Library is the next generation of the patterns & practices Application Blocks. This guidance is designed to assist developers with common enterprise development challenges and will deliver the most widely used blocks into a single integrated package. Our vision is to build a broad community of customers and partners using, sharing and extending their own Application Blocks that are consistent with and integrate into the patterns & practices Enterprise Library.





Enterprise Library Configuration Application Block

Configuration data is a constant challenge for application development. The way in which your application handles configuration data dramatically impacts its manageability. In this webcast we will discuss the requirements for building a great configuration system and how you can leverage the configuration application block to meet these requirements.





Enterprise Library Data Access Application BlockDiscover how you can implement the recommended data access architecture using Enterprise Library to quickly build a robust and secure data access layer which supports connectivity to SQL Server, Oracle and DB2.





Enterprise Library Caching Application Block

Properly designed caching can make your system more robust and increase performance dramatically, poorly designed caching adds unnecessary overhead and provides little benefit. Learn how you can make use of the new caching application block to help lessen the demand on your back-end systems while increasing throughput.





Enterprise Library Logging & Instrumentation Application Block

Properly instrumented applications are a dream to manage, they tell what is happening and when things are going wrong point you to the source of the problem quickly increasing your mean time to recovery resulting in increased system availability. In this webcast you will learn how to use the Enterprise Library logging and instrumentation block to consistently and easily build an application that tells you where it hurts.





Enterprise Library Exception Handling Application Block

Exceptions happen...the question is what you will do to handle them. Poorly written applications behave unpredictably when exceptions occur and often this bad behavior results in crashes or security holes. Learn how you can create exception policies that can be consistently and quickly applied in your application to insure predictability even when things go wrong.





Enterprise Library Cryptography Application Block

So you have a secret...what are you going to do with that credit card number, connection string or password? Stuff in a secret place and hope that no one ever finds it? Of course not, you want to encrypt it. But how? With the Enterprise Library cryptography block you can quickly encrypt and decrypt these secrets allowing you to secure them and sleep better at night.





Enterprise Library Security Application Block

Every enterprise needs security and within most large enterprises there are many different security systems. Discover how Enterprise Library’s security block can help you to put a consistent API in front of many different back end implementations allowing you to use these security systems without having to become an expert in them.





Enterprise Library - Building your own application block

So you love application blocks? You want to create your own and share it with your colleagues, your enterprise...the world? Great! We want to help you. In this session we will walk through a simple application block to consider how you can build a block that integrates with the rest of Enterprise Library.





Enterprise Library Applied

You stand at your manager’s door working up the courage to walk in and tell them that you want to use Enterprise Library in your next project. There are so many questions about support, licensing, maintenance and futures...good thing you listened to this webcast to understand what it means for an enterprise to adopt this library. As you listen to real examples from enterprises like yours to understand how they are managing the risks and opportunities associated with Enterprise Library

