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Updated Feature CTP Walkthrough: Code Only for Entity Framework


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For Code First to a New Database see

For Code First to an Existing Database see


This post covers Code Only improvements in the CTP2 release for VS 2010 Beta2. This walkthrough shows how you can change the default model like specifying property facets and navigation property inverses as well change the default mapping by changing the default inheritance strategy and table and column names. You can learn more about the CTP2 Code-Only improvements from our blog post on the EFDesign blog.

Code Only ships as part of the Microsoft Entity Framework Feature CTP 2. The CTP works on top of the latest version of the Entity Framework released as part of .NET 4.0 Beta 2.


  1. This walkthrough requires Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2
  2. The Microsoft Entity Framework Feature CTP2, that can be downloaded from here.
  3. A local SQL Server 2008 Express instance has to be installed as SQLEXPRESS.
  4. Download and extract the initial solution attached to this post.