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Nigeria, a different approach

We are coming to Nigeria next week, from the 7th - 10th of May. The whole team will be present where we will cover many topics in different technologies. We will have some basic sessions for those who are new to Microsoft technologies, some mind opening sessions like integrating your OPEN SOURCE code into Microsoft technologies, and some advanced sessions for the one who wants to be the master. We will have a variety of topics across the days including but not limited to:

  • Introduction to Visual Studio.
  • Introduction to Windows 8 development.
  • Introduction to Windows Phone 8 development.
  • Introduction to Windows Azure.
  • Introduction to Bing maps development.
  • Introduction to Kinect for Windows.
  • Integrating your open source applications with Microsoft (Integrating not only migrating).
  • Creating a cross platform (Windows 8, Windows Phone, Android) shopping list app with a Windows Azure Mobile Services back end.
  •  Location aware Camera app with Windows Azure as back end.
  • Cloud Services and Windows Azure Storage
  • MVC Web API
  • Customizing your app to fit WP8 Traits
  • Creating a highly available load balanced Virtual Machine environment
  • Asynchronous web applications using ASP.NET SignalR

So pick your topic, join us, and get our free gifts.

Event Agenda:

Don't forget to follow us on and and tweet us on #NigDevCamp


  • Anonymous
    May 08, 2013
    My first date with Microsoft in CCHUB was splendid