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Announcing Windows Azure Autoscaling Block preview

imageJust in time for the //Build/ Conference, we have released a preview of the Windows Azure Autoscaling Application Block (WASABi) . It’s available via NuGet. There are two packages – one with binaries and one containing the source. This preview includes a sample application for hosting the block and for exploratory testing.

Please follow the instructions of the included readme file to learn how to use the block binaries and about the pre-requisites if you want to build the block from source.

No documentation is included with this preview, but the team is working on a Developer’s Guide, Reference Documentation, and a Reference Implementation. In the meantime, please check the sample host application we are providing with the preview. We've also recorded a video with a walkthrough of using the block that you can find on Channel9.

We are now working on the kinetic stabilizer for the block and on enabling people to specify their custom metrics and actions and we plan to include these new features in the next drop. In the meantime, please watch the video, download the block, try it out, and let us know what you think. We are actively listening.