The mess that mocks can make

Aside: I guess this post is really about mock frameworks rather than mocks, but I didn't want to break the partial alliteration I had going in the title :)

A question was posed recently on one of our discussion lists about whether Rhino Mocks was a good framework to use for unit tests. As a TDD EDD advocate, conversations like that fire off warning bells as for the most part, I don't believe that they are suited to writing unit tests in the context of test-first development. I'd go so far as to say that they can even be detrimental.

As an example, here are a couple tests from the Humble Dialog Box post which is part of Jeremy Miller's series on 'Building your own CAB'.

public void CloseTheScreenWhenTheScreenIsNotDirty()
  MockRepository mocks = new MockRepository();
  IHumbleView view = mocks.CreateMock();



  OverseerPresenter presenter = new OverseerPresenter(view);

public void CloseTheScreenWhenTheScreenIsDirtyAndTheUserDecidesTo
  MockRepository mocks = new MockRepository();

  IHumbleView view = mocks.CreateMock();



  OverseerPresenter presenter = new OverseerPresenter(view);

A few questions spring to mind:

What story does each test tell? The method names are very descriptive, but the code doesn't provide clear support for the behaviour.

Where have the three As disappeared to? What happened to the expected trilogy of sections: Arrange, Act, and Assert?

and perhaps most importantly,

What happens when I want to refactor?

If you look carefully at how the mock object is created, you're really just setting up (a) expected behaviours and possibly (b) an expected sequence of calls. When code is refactored, unless you're accessing a public API, chances are that you will need to change both (a) and (b). That means going back through each unit test and making the changes by hand. Not very agile.

Furthermore, if you're using NMock and you want to change the interface (IHumbleView in the example), you'll also need to go back and change all the method names by hand since that framework uses strings. Also not very agile. In both cases, this leads people to abstain from refactoring, which is one of the major benefits of practicing test-first development.

There are two other points as well:

  • Giving a brand-new test-first developer a mock framework is probably hazardous to their health. It can easily lead to poor habits such as writing tests that are highly coupled to the implementation of the classes being tested. See (b) above.
  • Except for very small fixtures, there is actually less code involved in writing a real mock object. Why would anyone want to make extra work for themselves?

Now compare the above tests to these ones that were written without a mock framework.


public void ViewClosesWhenTheScreenIsNotDirty()


    MockHumbleView view = new MockHumbleView();

    Presenter presenter = new Presenter(view);








public void ViewClosesWhenScreenIsDirtyAndUserDiscardsChanges()


    MockHumbleView view = new MockHumbleView();

    view.DiscardChanges = true;

    Presenter presenter = new Presenter(view);






and the matching code ...

public interface IHumbleView


    bool IsDirty { get; }

    bool DiscardChanges { get; }

    void Close();



public class MockHumbleView : IHumbleView


    public bool IsDirty


        get { return isDirty; }

        set { isDirty = value; }



    public bool DiscardChanges


        get { return dischardChanges; }

        set { dischardChanges = value; }



    public bool CloseWasCalled


        get { return closeWasCalled; }



    public void Close()


        closeWasCalled = true;



    private bool isDirty;

    private bool dischardChanges;

    private bool closeWasCalled;


To be honest I'd take it one step further and actually test everything directly through the view but that's not what this post is about.

I think everyone can agree that the second group of tests is much easier to read and definitely convey what they're trying to prove. If I was introducing someone to the concept of test-first development, I'd want them to start writing tests like that for a while before worrying about mock object frameworks.

Mock frameworks are probably useful in some situations, but think carefully if you really require them in a before diving in.

Update: Steve Otteson pointed out (rather correctly) that I'm really talking about 'stubs' when I refer to 'real mock objects'. The difference between the two is explained here.