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patterns & practices for Windows Azure

“It's the next step, it's the next phase, it's the next transition,…” – Steve Ballmer said that about Cloud Computing during his speech last week at University of Washington. You can watch web cast on demand here or read the transcript of his speech here.  At patterns & practices, what are we doing to provide guidance for the Cloud?

Eugenio, Scott and several members from our team have just started working on a project that will take an iterative approach to provide scenario based guidance for Windows Azure. Scott wrote an excellent blog post detailing our plan.

Excerpts from Scott’s blog post:

The program will follow three major themes:

  1. Moving to the Cloud
  2. Integrating with the Cloud
  3. Leveraging the Cloud

These themes will allow us to categorize the scenarios that we will be delivering. Most of the scenarios are challenges that customers face today. And as we progress the program forward we will have more scenarios. The following is a simple picture of our plans on delivering on this project.



One of the questions we get asked is around the availability of Enterprise Library for Windows Azure. As Scott explains in his blog, that is one of the first thing the team is tackling. We are in the process of validating and identifying any changes that’s needed to get Enterprise Library to work on Windows Azure. We will share more information on this shortly.


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