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Visual Studio Team System and Application Lifecycle Management

Just recently we released the Visual Studio 2008 Training kit. You can download it right now from Here is the description of what this kit contains:

"The Visual Studio 2008 and .NET Framework 3.5 Training Kit includes presentations, hands-on labs, and demos. This content is designed to help you learn how to utilize the Visual Studio 2008 features and a variety of framework technologies including: LINQ, C# 3.0, Visual Basic 9, WCF, WF, WPF, ASP.NET AJAX, VSTO, CardSpace, SilverLight, Mobile and Application Lifecycle Management."

I hear you. It is lot of content on wide range of topics. I want to call your attention to the "Application Lifecycle Management" section of this kit. I worked with a team of folks in creating this content. Here is the outline of this section :

Application Lifecycle Management


Introducing Application Lifecycle Management

This Session introduces ALM, and explains the business rationale and business benefits of ALM. It explains how an organization can get started with ALM. It also introduces VSTS as Microsoft's solution to support ALM through tooling and process enactment. Related Demo Script


Value-up software development

This session introduces the notion of value-up software development. It compares and contrasts core value-up principles and practices with conventional work-down approaches. The latter have proved over the years, largely ineffectual for team-based software development and are part of the reason why only 30% of software projects succeed.


The Business Analyst Perspective

The focus for this session is on requirements gathering and techniques to help capture and manage requirements throughout the lifecycle. The session explains some of the challenges associated with deciding precisely what to build and it presents techniques for capturing and evolving requirements to ensure that requirements stay current throughout the software development lifecycle.


The Project Managers Perspective

This session highlights common problems associated with traditional software project management theory and presents a value-up project management approach. It then describes techniques that project managers can use to detect in-control and out of control projects. Related Demo Script


The Architect Perspective

This session describes the architect's role in the value-up software development lifecycle and explains what value-up means to architectural design. Related Demo Script


The Developers Perspective

This session describes the developer's role in the value-up software development lifecycle and explains what value-up means for development practices. Related Demo Script


The Testers Perspective

This session describes the tester's role in the value-up software development lifecycle and explains what value-up means for testing practices. Related Demo Script

This content is based on Sam Guckenheimer's book Software Engineering with Microsoft Visual Studio Team System. If you haven't read this book yet, I strongly recommend you get a copy of it. The Application Lifecycle Management content in this kit will give you a good insight on what is Application Lifecycle Management and how Visual Studio Team System supports it.

Also, Jeff Beehler wrote in his blog about the web cast that Sam recently recorded covering the key concepts from the book. Listen to the web cast here: Flow of Value in Software Development

If you have any feedback or comments on the Application Lifecycle Management content, please send them to me. (ajoy.krishnamoorthy at
