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Decrypt my World

Cryptography, Security, Debugging and more!

How To Host an NT Service on svchost.exe

Hi all, welcome back, This How To will be very short, because the answer is plain and simple: it's...

Author: Alejandro Campos Magencio Date: 01/08/2008

How to call CreateProcessWithLogonW & CreateProcessAsUser in .NET

Hi, welcome back, Sometimes .NET's System.Diagnostics.Process class and its Start method are not...

Author: Alejandro Campos Magencio Date: 12/20/2007

SCardGetStatusChange fails with SCARD_E_NO_SERVICE error

Hi, welcome back, Smart Card Redirection on Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) client 6.0 may...

Author: Alejandro Campos Magencio Date: 12/17/2007

Key Containers: Basics

Hi, welcome back, Let's talk today a bit about Key Containers in CryptoAPI. Key containers can be...

Author: Alejandro Campos Magencio Date: 12/13/2007

Smart Card's PIN gets cached

Hi, welcome back, When we use a Smart Card with any application (i.e. Internet Explorer), the PIN...

Author: Alejandro Campos Magencio Date: 12/12/2007

XmlDsigC14NTransform normalization behavior depends on input type

Hi, welcome back, When using System.Security.Cryptography.Xml.XmlDsigC14NTransform, depending on the...

Author: Alejandro Campos Magencio Date: 12/11/2007

RSACryptoServiceProvider fails when used with ASP.NET

Hi, welcome back, I will talk today about a very common issue we face when we try to use .NET's...

Author: Alejandro Campos Magencio Date: 12/03/2007

P/Invoking CryptoAPI in .NET (VB.NET version)

Hi, welcome back, This is a continuation of my previous post, P/Invoking CryptoAPI in .NET (C#...

Author: Alejandro Campos Magencio Date: 11/26/2007

P/Invoking CryptoAPI in .NET (C# version)

Hi, welcome back, Sometimes we need to call CryptoAPI from .NET because classes in...

Author: Alejandro Campos Magencio Date: 11/23/2007

How to debug LSASS.exe process

Hi, welcome back, I've been dealing these days with an issue about a Custom Authentication Package...

Author: Alejandro Campos Magencio Date: 11/13/2007

How to trace CryptoAPI calls (2)

Hi, welcome back, Let's try to understand a bit better what's going on my CryptoAPI Tracer script....

Author: Alejandro Campos Magencio Date: 11/08/2007

CryptoAPI Tracer script

Hi, welcome back, As I promised in my previous post, How to trace CryptoAPI calls, I'm posting the...

Author: Alejandro Campos Magencio Date: 10/31/2007

How to trace CryptoAPI calls

Hi, welcome back, An application may use CryptoAPI without us developers realizing it. Security...

Author: Alejandro Campos Magencio Date: 10/29/2007

RSACryptoServiceProvider fails when used with mandatory profiles

Hi, welcome back, I will talk today about a very common issue we face when we try to use .NET's...

Author: Alejandro Campos Magencio Date: 10/23/2007

CAPICOM support on Windows Vista

I know there has been a lot of confusion about this, because some articles on the web (i.e. MSDN)...

Author: Alejandro Campos Magencio Date: 10/19/2007
