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Parsing OData Paths, $select and $expand using the ODataUriParser

UPDATE: This post was updated on May 29th 2013 to reflect changes to simplify the SelectExpandClause...

Date: 05/10/2013

OData in WebAPI – RC release

Next week we will release an official RC of the Microsoft ASP.NET WebAPI OData assembly. This marks...

Date: 12/07/2012

Parsing $filter and $orderby using the ODataUriParser

Background and Plans For a while now we’ve been shipping an early pre-release version of an...

Date: 12/06/2012

OData in WebAPI – Microsoft ASP.NET Web API OData 0.2.0-alpha release

Since my last set of blog posts on OData support in WebAPI (see parts 1 & 2) we’ve been busy...

Date: 11/02/2012

Web API [Queryable] current support and tentative roadmap

The recent preview release of OData support in Web API is very exciting (see the new nuget package...

Date: 08/20/2012

CQRS with OData and Actions?

I love the Actions feature in OData – which is hardly surprising given I was one of its...

Date: 02/03/2012


In my last post I blithely said 'This is where judgment comes in...'. Unfortunately judgment isn't...

Date: 06/06/2011

How do I do design?

For a while now I've been thinking that the best way to get better at API & protocol design is...

Date: 06/03/2011

TechEd 2010 Videos

If you didn't get to TechEd - no problem - videos of all the sessions are available here. Including...

Date: 06/12/2010

OData - WCF Data Services Best Practices from TechEd

Yesterday I promised to share all the code from my Best Practices – Creating an OData Service...

Date: 06/10/2010

Creating a Data Service Provider – Part 9 – Un-typed

Background info: This post builds on Parts 1 thru 8 which teach you how to create a typed Data...

Date: 03/02/2010

Tip 55 - How to extend an IQueryable by wrapping it.

Over the last couple of years I’ve found myself in lots of situations where I’ve wanted to get...

Date: 03/01/2010

Creating a Data Service Provider – Part 8 - Relationships

In parts 1 thru 7 we made a Read / Write typed data service provider, although it was a little...

Date: 02/23/2010

Is hiding lower level APIs bad?

There are many good arguments for hiding away the lower layers in your stack – essentially the...

Date: 02/22/2010

Tip 54 – How to improve performance using Statement Expressions

Background: While writing the update post in my Data Service Provider series I ended up writing this...

Date: 02/13/2010

Tip 53 – How to debug EF POCO mapping issues

If you are trying to use POCO classes in EF 4.0, it is relatively easy to run into problems with the...

Date: 02/11/2010

Creating a Data Service Provider – Part 7 – Update

In Parts 1 thru 6 we created a custom Read/Only provider over an in memory list of Products. Now...

Date: 02/11/2010

Tip 52 – How to re-use Types with the Data Services client

By default when you add a Data Service Service Reference you get automatic code-generation, which...

Date: 01/27/2010

Tip 51 – How to load EF metadata from arbitrary streams

In Tip 45 I showed you how to build a connection string at runtime, which is pretty nifty. The...

Date: 01/26/2010

Creating a Data Service Provider – Part 6 – Query Interactions

Whenever I find myself implementing a series of interfaces to plug into a framework or server, I...

Date: 01/25/2010

Creating a Data Service Provider – Part 5 - Query

In Part 4 of our series showing how to implement a Custom Data Service Provider we hooked up an...

Date: 01/19/2010

Tip 50 – How to query a Data Service using JQuery

Recently I’ve been spending some of my time playing with JQuery. And because Data Services can...

Date: 01/18/2010

Creating a Data Service Provider – Part 4 – Minimal Running Service

This is Part 4 of my ongoing series of posts showing how to create an Custom Data Service Provider....

Date: 01/14/2010

Creating a Data Service Provider – Part 3 - IDataServiceMetadataProvider

UPDATE: I’ve made a few updates to the code / write-up to reflect refactors I’ve made as I’ve...

Date: 01/07/2010

Custom Data Service Providers

Introduction Data Services sits above a Data Service Provider, which is responsible for interacting...

Date: 01/07/2010

Creating a Data Service Provider – Part 2 – IServiceProvider & DataSources

To create a read-only Data Service Provider (or DSP) you need to implement two Data Services...

Date: 01/07/2010

Creating a Data Service Provider – Part 1 - Intro

One of the the coolest things about Data Services is its provider model. Any data-source can be...

Date: 01/04/2010

Tip 49 – How to find your Data Service bug

I’ve been playing around with creating a custom Astoria Data Service Provider, aka DSP, for a while...

Date: 12/11/2009

Tip 48 – How to host a Data Service in WCF

Every wonder if you can host an Astoria Data Service in WCF? Well turns out the answer is yes, in...

Date: 12/10/2009

Tip 47 – How fix-up can make it hard to change relationships

Problem: Take this code: Category oldCategory = ctx.Categories .Include("Products") .First(c =>...

Date: 12/01/2009

Tip 46 – How to exclude a property using Code-Only

This time a real simple one prompted by this question on StackOverflow. Problem: If you tell the...

Date: 11/29/2009

Tip 45 – How to swap EF metadata at runtime.

Background By default the Entity Framework embeds its metadata inside your assembly as a resource....

Date: 11/29/2009

Tip 44 – How to navigate an OData compliant service

I recently did a crash course in Data Services and OData. While doing so I realized my notes might...

Date: 11/18/2009

Tip 43 – How to authenticate against a Data Service

Problem: When writing code against a Data Service, like say SharePoint, the client application must...

Date: 11/13/2009

Interesting series of Posts exploring Code-Only

Daniel Wertheim left a couple of comments on Tip 42, that point to a series of posts he has written...

Date: 11/13/2009

Tip 42 – How to create a dynamic model using Code-Only

Background: When we give examples of how to use Code-Only we always start with a strongly typed...

Date: 11/09/2009

Tip 40 – How to materialize presentation models via L2E

Problem: Imagine that you have these entities public class Product { public int ID { get; set; }...

Date: 11/07/2009

Tip 39 – How to set overlapping Relationships – EF 4.0 only

Scenario: In EF 4 we have FK relationships, available for the first time in .NET 4.0 Beta 2, so it...

Date: 11/01/2009

Tip 38 – How to use CodeOnly with Astoria

The normal way that you create an ADO.NET Data Services (aka Astoria) Service is by creating a class...

Date: 10/14/2009

Code-Only best practices

There have been lots of posts on the EFDesign blog talking about how the features in Code Only have...

Date: 10/13/2009

Tip 37 – How to do a Conditional Include

Problem Someone asked how to do a Conditional Include a couple of days ago on StackOverflow. They...

Date: 10/12/2009

Tagging File Systems?

I had an interesting in passing conversation with someone today about tagging file systems… which...

Date: 10/09/2009

Tip 36 – How to Construct by Query

While writing my tips series and writing EF controllers for MVC I found that I regularly wanted to...

Date: 09/23/2009

Tip 35 – How to write OfTypeOnly()

If you write a LINQ to Entities query like this: var results = from c in...

Date: 09/17/2009

Tip 34 – How to work with Updatable Views

UPDATE: thanks Zeeshan for pointing out that by default only non-nullable columns end up in the key...

Date: 09/01/2009

Tip 33 – How cascade delete really works in EF

Imagine that in your database you have a cascade delete on an FK relationship. Something like this:...

Date: 08/18/2009

Tip 32 – How to create a database from SSDL – EF 4 only

We recently released a CTP that extends EF 4 Beta 1 which included Code Only. You can read more...

Date: 08/11/2009
