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Creating Your Own K-12 Outreach Program

Over at the NCWIT blog I see that there is going to be a workshop for people at colleges and universities who want to start a K-12 Outreach program at SIGCSE 2007 . The people running the workshop have some  serious experience creating and running a successful K-12 outreach program at the University of Indiana. I have seen presentations on the Just Be program they developed and have been very impressed both with the program and the women behind it. From the NCWIT Blog:

For more information, please contact Katie Siek or Suzanne Menzel.
Important Information: SIGCSE 2007, Covington, Kentucky, USA

  • Workshop on Friday, March 9, 2007 from 7:00-9:00pm
  • Workshop registration cost is $60 through February 7, 2007; $75 through February 28, 2007
  • Laptops are strongly encouraged for the workshop

If you are at a college or university that is thinking about starting a K-12 outreach program to get women and under-represented minorities involved and interested in technology and in higher education this workshop sounds like just what you need.

BTW I am planning on being at SIGCSE this year. I would love to connect with any of my readers who are also going to be there. I'll be around the Microsoft booth a good bit but if you want to connect let me know in the comments or through this blog's contact page. See you there.


Technorati tags: K12Outreach, education, diversity, SIGCSE, SIGCSE2007