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More on Signing Up for DreamSpark and AppHub

About a month ago I wrote a post (DreamSpark and AppHub Sign Up) to help people step through the process of signing up for DreamSpark and AppHub accounts. The problem at the time was that signing in for people who had already gotten verified for DreamSpark under the old system were locked out. Not good. But at least now it is fixed. So here is what you need to do:

Here is the workflow:

  • Student/Educator visits the page and sees [Map your Live ID] button enabled and [Register on AppHub] button disabled.
  • Student/Educator Clicks on [Map your Live ID] button.
  • Student/Educator Sign in on DreamSpark site with their Verified account (or get the account verified).
  • Student/Educator then logs in using Windows Live ID account.
  • Student/Educator is shown the message “Are you sure you want your map your DreamSpark login ( with your Windows Live ID ( with [Ok] and [Cancel] buttons.
  • Student/Educator clicks on [Ok] button a Accounts will be mapped a User automatically signed out from Live ID account à User will be redirected to the page with [Map your Live ID] button disabled and [Register on AppHub] button enabled.

SO if you have an older DreamSpark account and couldn’t get in to use it these steps should help.