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Free Performance Tool - Analyze IIS Logs Like A Pro With Funnel Web Analyzer

These free performance tools will save you time and money identifying performance bottlenecks. Your customers will thank you for building fast and responsive applications.

Funnel Web Analyzer 5.0 for Windows

Download the tool here.

Analyzer gives insight into everything from server load and customer usage to intranet analysis. It allows you to gain vital feedback on visitor behaviour and preferences, so you can more accurately customize your site to meet the needs of your clients

How- to use

After you download and install the tool - run it. Just drag and drop log files onto it and then click on View icon:


You will be presented with nice array of summary and detailed reports:


Usage Scenarios

There are few scenarios I can see this tool would be very useful:

  • Developer analyzes the module she developed during development phase just before submitting for holistic performance testing.
  • IT support personnel probes production applications to get a quick view on potential performance hotspots.
  • Performance team analyzes the data after running load/stress tests.