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Announcement: eMbedded Visual C++ 4.0 Sp3 is now available for download.

I am pleased to announce that we now have the evC 4.0 SP3 release of eVC 4.0 (ENU) available for download.

The main goal of evC 4.0 SP3 release is to address the issues raised by our customers around not being able to use the remote tools in evC 4.0 SP2 to target Windows 4.0 and 4.1 CE. This was largely due to that fact that evC 4.0 Sp1 and evC 4.0 Sp2 releases were not cumulative in nature and were tied to a specific platform.

However, hearing feedback from our customers on this, we have now released evC 4.0 SP3 which is a cumulative release of evC 4.0 SP1 and evC 4.0 SP2. With our current release we now provided the ability to select the appropriate version of the remote tool from the tools menu and be able to use the right set of tools for the selected platform.

What this will install on ?

evC 4.0 SP3 requires eVC 4.0 to install. It will also install and work as expected if you have either evC 4.0 Sp1 or evC 4.0 Sp2 or both installed. evC 4.0 SP3 also included previously release QFEs for eVC 4.0. No other feature enhancements or changes were made.

Amit Chopra
Program Manager – Visual Studio for Devices Team