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Welcome to the Gemini Team Blog!

Gemini is the code name for the new breakthrough Self-Service Business Intelligence (BI) capabilities being delivered in the SQL Server 2008 R2 release. Gemini enables end users to build BI applications by integrating data from a variety of sources, modeling, refining and analyzing the data, adding business logic, building reports and visualizations and ultimately sharing it with their coworkers in an environment that is managed and secured by IT. See SQL Server 2008 R2 | Self-Service Business Intelligence for more information.

Following is a sneak preview of Gemini that Donald Farmer (from our team) presented at TechEd 2009 this summer.




The Gemini team is proud to announce our first preview release as part of the SQL Server 2008 R2 August CTP (Community Technology Preview). See the Data Platform Insider Blog for more information on the August CTP. To download the Gemini CTP, visit Gemini requires Office 2010, so you must be a member of the Office 2010 Tech Preview.

In the days, weeks and months to come, folks from the Gemini product team will be blogging here and sharing information about the product.
